Chapter 6. The Toolbars

Table of Contents

The File Toolbar
The Edit Toolbar
The Plot Toolbar.
The Graph Toolbar.
The Table Toolbar.
The matrix plot Toolbar.
The 3D Surfaces Toolbar.

All toolbars can be moved and docked to a more convenient location (left, right or bottom sides of the application window) or on the desktop (outside the main window) by drag-and-drop, using their left side handle. The toolbars are automatically enabled/disabled depending on the currently active window: for example if the current window is a table, the Table toolbar will be enabled and all the other toolbars will be automatically disabled.

The same approach is used for showing/hiding the toolbars: if there are no more visible tables in the workspace, the Table toolbar will be automatically hidden and will be shown again when the users adds a new table into the project. A toolbar can be manually shown/hidden by the user, at any time, by right-clicking on the main window menu area and checking/unchecking the corresponding box in the pop-up menu.

The File Toolbar

The File Toolbar allows to access commands mainly from the File menu. Refer to this section for a more complete description of these commands.

Figure 6.1. The SciDAVis File Toolbar

The SciDAVis File Toolbar

Table 6.1. File toolbar commands.

Icon Command Key Description
New→New Project command CTRL+N Create a new project.
New command   Access to the New sub-menu.
New→New Table command CTRL+T Create a new table.
New→New Matrix command CTRL+M Create a new matrix.
New→New Note/Script command CTRL+ALT+N Create a new note window, this object can be used as a calculator or to use scripts.
New→New Graph command CTRL+G Create a new empty 2D plot.
New→New Function Plot command CTRL+F Creates a new plot based on a function Y=f(X).
New→New 3D Surface Plot command CTRL+ALT+Z Creates a new 3D plot based on a function Z=f(X,Y).
Open command CTRL+O Opens an existing SciDAVis project file.
Open Template command   Opens an existing template SciDAVis project file.
Save Project command CTRL+S Saves the current project.
Save as Template command   Saves the current project as a template.
Import Ascii command   Imports an ASCII file into one or multiple tables.
Print command CTRL+P Print the active window.
Export to PDF command   Export to PDF.
Project Explorer command CTRL+E Show or hide the project explorer.
Results Log command   Show or hide the results window.